NCACC has partnered with the National Association of Counties and cashVest by three+one to provide tools to help counties manage their cash and maximize the value of their deposits. cashVest harnesses liquidity data and through liquidity analysis, it provides a breakdown of how cash can be best utilized for current and future operating needs, offsetting banking fees, borrowing, and earnings opportunities. cashVest enables finance officials to make decisions with more confidence and greater ease.
three+one is not an investment firm and will not handle your county’s cash directly. Their team uses data to evaluate opportunities to maximize the yield on your organization’s cash accounts.
Click here to view additional information on three+one.
If three+one does not show a 1 to 1 benefit through its cashVest initial analysis compared to the proposed annual fee for the Entity, the initial cashVest analysis will be provided at no cost with no further obligation. Contact NCACC Budget Director Matt Bigelow for more information.