Legislative Goals Conference

Legislative Goals Conference

Before each legislative biennium, NCACC convenes a Legislative Goals Conference for counties from around the state to come together to participate in voting sessions to finalize legislative goals, which guide NCACC’s advocacy efforts. The conference is the final step in a comprehensive process, which gives each county an opportunity to shape NCACC’s legislative agenda.

The next NCACC Legislative Goals Conference will take place on November 14-15, 2024 in Wake County.


Every two years, NCACC members engage in a process to determine the legislative goals it should seek in the best interest of the counties. The NCACC goals-setting process begins in August of each even-numbered year and consists of five stages, beginning with the solicitation of proposals from counties and ending with the adoption of the legislative agenda at the Legislative Goals Conference.

The Association’s legislative goals process is thoughtful, deliberative, inclusive and fair. The investment of time and energy, and value of full discourse, strengthens our association as we navigate the legislative currents. The process is designed to create an informed grassroots organization and to build a cohesiveness of purpose within the organization that, in turn, grants a degree of credibility to the association that is unique. All counties and all county officials are invited and encouraged to participate in the legislative goals process.

An updated version of the Legislative Goals Flowchart for 2024 is here!

Voting Procedures for Legislative Goals Conference

Every member county appoints a voting delegate to the conference. Every county in attendance has 1 vote. The voting delegate can be any county official, including non-elected officials, and a county may choose an alternate. No proxies are allowed. Goals are presented by subject category. Upon motion of any voting delegate, a proposal can be set aside for detailed discussion. Two-thirds majority votes are required to approve or alter the proposed goals.

Click here to view the Spring 2022 Legislative Goals handbook, which provides detailed procedural information for the Legislative Goals Conference and goals development process. An updated version of the Legislative Goals Handbook for 2024 is here!

Legislative Conference