The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), enacted in March 2021, makes unprecedented funding available to combat the devastating health and economic impacts of COVID-19. The Appalachian Regional Commission(ARC) research department’s preliminary analysis shows that Appalachian counties will receive approximately $5.3B in Local Fiscal Recovery Fund allocations. How can local governments, and the local development districts (LDDs) that support them, make the most impactful use of this funding? This training series will build capacity in local governments to take advantage of this large amount of funding and support their communities. With support from the Appalachian Regional Commission and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness is partnering with the National Association of Counties and EntreWorks Consulting to deliver a series of training sessions in 2022 to share key requirements, best practices, and successful case studies related to ARPA’s Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. This training is reserved solely for local government officials and staff and local development districts in the ARC region. Private businesses and other nonprofit entities are not eligible to attend.